——首席技术官 邵彩梅
Jan Cortenbach
翻译/总部高级研发经理 张鑫
Avian influenza (AI) is a highly contagious disease primarily found in birds. The first cases of low pathogenic AI (LPAI) were already reported in 1960, and the highly pathogenic AI (HPAI) was first reported in 1996 in geese in China. Sometimes the virus also infects mammals. Avian influenza affects the respiratory (nose, mouth, and airways), digestive, and/or nervous systems. The disease occurs in poultry raised on farms (like chickens, ducks, and turkeys) and nearly all species of birds found in the wild, including ducks, doves, pigeons, geese, seagulls, and storks. Birds of prey and other predators can also contract the virus by eating birds that fell ill or died of avian flu.
禽流感(Avian Influenza, AI)是一种主要在鸟类中传播的高度传染性疾病。低致病性禽流感(Low Pathogenic Avian Influenza, LPAI)的首例病例早在1960年就有报道,而高致病性禽流感(Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza, HPAI)则于1996年首次在中国鹅群中被报出。该病毒有时也会感染哺乳动物。禽流感主要影响呼吸系统(鼻、口腔和呼吸道)、消化系统或神经系统。该疾病多发于农场饲养的家禽(如鸡、鸭和火鸡),以及几乎所有野生鸟类,包括鸭、鸽子、鹅、海鸥和鹳等。猛禽和其它捕食性动物也可能通过食用患病或死于禽流感的鸟类而感染该病毒。
Avian influenza can spread via direct contact between animals (live bird) markets, droppings of infected (wild) birds, or dust in the air of infected farms. AI mainly occurs in autumn and winter, when wild birds are mitigating. As expected, more and more AI infections have been identified over the last few weeks in different European regions. The virus was found in both wild birds and commercially kept poultry. The pressure of infection is expected to systematically increase over the next weeks. Due to lower temperatures, higher humidity, and foggy weather, viruses have a longer survival time and are more easily introduced into poultry houses.
As mentioned before, there are two main types of avian influenza, HPAI and LPAI. HPAI is deadly to birds, while LPAI causes several severe symptoms, like tremors, swollen sinuses, decreased weight, and egg production (amongst others). The main concern for LPAI is that it evolves to the HPAI. Since commercial poultry farms usually keep the birds close together, AI outbreaks at such locations affect many birds at once. Wild birds can also contract the highly pathogenic AI variants, which cause a higher risk of HPAI infections at farms located close to rivers and wetland areas.
Avian influenza: Risk for zoonosis?
Avian influenza can be transmitted from birds to mammals (including humans) mainly in two ways:
Directly from birds or contaminated environments
A. The highest risk applies to mammals that eat infected birds, for example, foxes, raccoons, and cats.
B. Through an intermediate host, such as another mammal
In North America, AI has been reported in several dairy herds. Infection in cattle appears to be centered in the udder. The raw milk from infected cows contained high viral loads, indicating a potential route of transmission via milk and milking procedures (rather than respiratory as in birds). Pasteurization inactivates the virus. Apart from cattle, there are cases reported in other mammalian species, like foxes, alpacas, and minks. There is no evidence that AI can be transmitted to humans through the consumption of any commercially available food products including contaminated poultry products. Safe handling of raw meat and other raw food ingredients, thorough cooking, and good kitchen hygiene can prevent or reduce the risks of contaminated food.
In Q4 of 2024, 56 new cases of AI infection in humans were reported worldwide. Most of these cases had reported exposure to poultry, live poultry markets, or dairy cattle before virus detection or onset of illness. In case a human does get infected with AI, symptoms are generally mild. These symptoms can include a fever, headache, muscle ache, coughing, and eye inflammation. Sometimes AI in humans results in severe illness with pneumonia, shortness of breath, and even fatalities. These cases mainly occur in Asia.
Human infections with AI remain rare and so far, no human-to-human transmission has been identified. With the extensive circulation of AI viruses in bird populations globally, sporadic transmission to humans is likely to continue occurring in settings where people are exposed to infected animals or their environment without appropriate protective equipment. Viruses are also sequenced and genetic changes that may alter zoonotic potential or susceptibility are monitored. Research has shown that the avian influenza virus binds to the avian receptor (α2,3 sialic acids) and not the receptor used by human seasonal influenza (α2,6 sialic acids). This is one of the explanations why the virus is species-specific and not dangerous to humans. Several authorities, like WHO, EFSA, and FAO have marked the risk as ‘low’ for the general public and ‘low-to-moderate’ for those who are regularly exposed to infected animals. The number of cases and risks are assessed on a regular basis by the authorities.
What can be done to prevent avian influenza on poultry farms?
Biosecurity remains a key factor in preventing HPAI virus introduction from wild birds into poultry farms and further between-farm spread. Several important aspects are like employees and visitors, hygiene, feed and feed delivery, cleaning, and disinfection should be taken into account. For biosecurity, it is very important to avoid contact with other birds outside of the farm. Sharing farm equipment and personnel should be avoided or at least kept to a minimum. Furthermore, when new cases are reported, the local authority can govern an obligation to keep all poultry/bird types housed inside (both commercial and backyard). In some countries, the authority follows a ‘stamp-out strategy’ when AI is present on a poultry farm. All animals located at that farm and within a 1 km zone of neighboring farms are culled according to a strict protocol. Furthermore, a 3 km protection zone and 10 km surveillance zone are applied for several weeks. This should prevent further outbreaks from that farm. Vaccination is one of the additional measures to protect birds against AI.
生物安全仍然是防止HPAI病毒从野生鸟类传入家禽养殖场以及在养殖场之间进一步传播的关键因素。以下几个重要方面需要考虑:员工和访客管理、卫生情况、饲料及饲料运输、清洁和消毒等。在生物安全方面,避免与养殖场外的其他鸟类接触至关重要。应避免共享养殖设备及人员,或至少将其控制在最低限度。此外,当有新病例报告时,地方当局可以规定将所有家禽/鸟类(包括商业养殖和家庭散养)圈养在室内。在某些国家,当禽流感出现在家禽养殖场时,当局会采取“扑杀策略”(stamp-out strategy)。根据严格协议,对感染农场及其周边1公里范围内的邻近农场的所有动物进行扑杀。同时,还会实施为期数周的3公里保护区和10公里监控区措施,以防止疫情进一步扩散。疫苗接种是保护家禽免受禽流感侵害的额外措施之一。
Currently, egg-laying birds in Asia, including China are already vaccinated against AI, but the vaccine has not been approved in the EU yet. The EU is also developing and evaluating AI vaccines. The first results from a field study are promising, as they show no transmission of the virus to the vaccinated treatment group. The first pilot studies on commercial farms with vaccines are expected soon.