

2015-05-20 17:18:25

Ladies gentleman, 

It is an honour to me to tell you the story about our participation in Wellhope. 


The Dutch agricultural development between 1970 2000 has been a real success story.  In this period, De Heus has been the most successfull compound feed factory in the Netherlands. 

1970到2000年是荷兰农业成功发展的30年,而在这个时期,De Heus 公司也成为了荷兰成功的一个饲料企业。 

Four generations ago, my great-grandfather founded the company in 1911. Since then, my grandfather father gradually built the company bigger bigger. Gradually, because all technology that we use today had to be developed step by step. After World War II, it took us 60 years of continuous innovation to reach the current level of development. This development has brought great wealth to our country also to my family. 

1911年,我的曾祖父于荷兰创建了De Heus 公司,经过曾祖父、祖父及我父亲三代人的努力,De Heus 公司从小到大,逐渐发展起来。二战后,优发国际大概用了近六十年的时间进行持续的技术创新而最终达到现有的技术领先水平。当然,这种持续创新与发展也给荷兰以及我的家族带来了巨大的财富。 

But today, we are encountering problems in Western Europe. The production is controlled by the government cannot be increased any more because of ecological reasons. Our competitive position is weakening against countries like Brasil because of the high costs of labour the excessive amount of regulations which are increasing our cost price.  


There is also no more growth in the consumption of animal products, we already eat more than is good for us, many people become too heavy. 


By the turn of the Century, De Heus was facing these problems we were concluding that growth would be very hard to realise in the Netherlands. However, De Heus has always had a growth strategy, we have been quite successful at implementing this strategy, so now we  are facing the challenge to find new ways to achieve growth in the international market. 

世纪交换之际,De Heus 公司就不得不面对这些问题,而且优发国际也意识到在荷兰想保持增长将是非常之难。但是,De Heus公司一直以来就有增长战略,而且优发国际在推行增长战略方面还算成功,所以优发国际决定正视挑战,设法在国际市场实现公司经营业绩的增长。 

we have found this growth in several directions, the most important of which is Poland. I will tell you some more now about our Polish strategy, because I think many aspects of this strategy can also apply to our cooperation with Wellhope. After the former communist countries in Eastern Europe had opened up in the 1990’s, we had started to export concentrates to these countries, especially to Poland. 

优发国际试图从几个不同方向达到增长,其中重要的就是走进波兰。今天我想谈谈优发国际进入波兰的策略,因为我认为这个策略在很多方面也适用于优发国际同禾丰的合作。上世纪九十年代,东欧的一些前社会主义国家开始陆续开放国门,优发国际就在那个时期开始向这些国家出口浓缩料产品,尤其是往波兰出口。 ;

We decided to invest in a factory in Poland in 1999. Poland was the biggest country of the former Eastern European countries it had a structure of many small families owned farms, similar to the Netherlands. We appointed our Polish agent to become our director. 

we appointed a talented young nutritionist the Netherlands, Rinus Donkers, who is also present here this morning, to  become responsible for the transfer of knowledge to our Polish business. The factory that we build was designed by the people who are responsible for the production in the Netherlands. The recipes of the feedproducts that we produced were formulated by our Dutch nutritionists, all educated at the agricultural university of Wageningen. 

优发国际于1999年决定在波兰投资一个工厂。波兰是前东欧大的一个国家,而且有很多家庭小农场,在这点上同荷兰的情况非常相似。优发国际任命优发国际波兰的代理人成为优发国际的董事,同时优发国际又任命了一个非常优 秀的年轻的营养专家,Rinus先生,他今天也在会场,来负责波兰事业的技术提高与进步。优发国际荷兰的专业负责生产的专家设计了优发国际在波兰的工厂,产品配方全部由毕业于荷兰著名农业大学瓦根宁根大学的专业的配方师进行设计。 

We send our salesforce to school to learn English than educated them in the field of animal husbandry, in order to advise our clients in all aspects of modern farm management: which feedproducts are used in which circumstances, how to recognise deseases how to keep the animals healthy, how to build new stables (houses for the animals), how to supply sufficient ventilation, how to produce a good quality of roughage (cornsilage, grass etc.) in the dairy sector, how to organize the work on the farm efficiently to reduce labour costs etc.  


Very soon we discovered that our products were better than those of the competitors, that our prices were lower that our sales force could sell more than we could produce. So we build acquired new factories, today we are the second largest feed producer in Poland. In Poland, we experienced the power of our know-how we learned how to implement this know-how in a foreign country. 


Encouraged by our success, we began to search for other opportunities. At first we looked at many countries, but at China.  

We didn’t know anybody in China, so to start? Moreover: China seemed to be too far away, too complex because of the language barrier, too foreign.


My great-grandfather, who founded the company in 1911, always used to say: far home is close to your loss. But the world has changed. We realised that we should search for opportunities in growth markets everybody knows that China is the biggest growth market in the world. So we went to China conducted a market investigation. We met several feed producers became very impressed by a company by the name of Wellhope.  


This was a highly successful enterprise. They were integrated but focused on feed, just like we do. They spoke good English which made it easy to communicate. They had implemented modern management techniques in the field of marketing, Human Resource Management others. They were very ambitious confident. They were thinking acting like well educated responsible entrepreneurs. We believed in this company. 


At the same time, Wellhope was also conducting market research in Europe the United States, looking for interesting companies to cooperate with. We visited each others companies several times got very excited about the idea of cooperation. 


Although there are differences in language, culture, management technological development, to name a few, we managed to find consensus about our way of cooperation mutual trust developed. In this respect I must make a big compliment to the Board of Directors of Wellhope who have showed deep understanding of our way of doing business in Europe. 


Now that we have become a shareholder in Wellhope, it is our ambition to make this company stronger wherever we can.It took our company many years to gradually reach the level of development that we now have in our company. Wellhope their customers can reach this same level in the coming years. 

现在,优发国际已经成为了禾丰的一个股东,优发国际的理想是要竭尽优发国际所能让这家公司变得更为强大。De Heus 公司用了很多年而逐渐达到现有的规模,禾丰也必将在不远的将来达到与De Heus 同等规模。

I have told you about our achievements in Poland. How we transferred our knowledge competencies to our company there. We will start up the same process of transferring knowledge competencies to Wellhope this will make Wellhope stronger even more competitive. We will also advise Wellhope in all their future developments on the basis of our experience in the Netherlands Poland, which will mean that Wellhope can develop much faster with less mistakes than we did in the past decades in the Netherlands. 


Wellhope has been looking for a strategic partner they chose De Heus. They chose us. This is a personal honour for me I want to express my personal loyalty to this company. I my family have invested in Wellhope for the long term. We are looking for a quick win, we are here to stay. That’s a promise. 

禾丰一直在寻找合作伙伴并最终选择了De Heus,选择了优发国际。对于我来讲这实在是一个荣幸至极的事情 ,今天我想在这里表达我对这个公司的忠诚。我及我的家族已经准备与禾丰团队长期合作,优发国际不寻求快速的短期回报,优发国际要与禾丰长久地并肩作战。这是一个承诺。 

I also want to express my gratitude to the wise decisions of the Chinese government to make this investment by De Heus possible. We will do whatever we can to make Wellhope Chinese agriculture benefit our presence in this country, which is full of opportunities. 

我还想向中国政府的各位领导表达我的敬意,是你们使优发国际的合作成为了可能。优发国际De Heus公司将竭尽所能使禾丰及中国畜牧业因优发国际的到来而受益。 

Thank you for your attention. 















