

2015-05-20 17:14:50

【序】这是荷兰De Heus公司执行总裁Co De Heus 先生来中国与我公司代表进行谈判后在庆祝宴上的即兴演讲。特别翻译出来,以使大家了解在外国合作者眼里,禾丰公司、禾丰人是怎样的形象,他们对优发国际如何评价。感谢Co 先生对优发国际的欣赏和褒奖,希望优发国际与De Heus 公司的合作取得最终的成功。 


During the past months I have become impressed by the characteristics of your company.Tonight I would like to highlight some of these characteristics. 

I have sensed real friendship among the founders of Wellhope which I find truly special.As you know, we are a family company, so I know the power of long term commitment.You are a big family of talented people who are prepared to commit their lives to Wellhope. This friendship among the founders will remain an incredible source of power. 

The decision to donate shares to your best managers proves that the founders understand the psychology of their employees. It proves that the founders respect the hardships of their managers. I am sure that the loyalty of the founders to their managers will be rewarded by even more loyalty these managers to what has become "their company". 

The decision to give talented managers the opportunity to participate in Wellhope also proves that you have a great warm heart. You find more joy in sharing your wealth than in consuming it. Therefore I conclude that it is pride that drives you greed. 

This is in fact one of the core elements of the Christian belief, to try to love one another more than you love yourself. I guess that’s why I appreciate it so much when I see that you choose to share instead of choosing to consume. 

We have been impressed by the competencies of Wellhope in the field of marketing.Of course, we have been impressed by your skills in managing your growth strategy. of course, We have been impressed by your great financial performance until now.But I think that in the end, marketing, strategy performance were decisive for our investment.Of course marketing, strategy performance are very  important. These kinds of things were conditions precedent to our   cooperation, but I think there is something else which is even more important in business. 

When I was in University I was a member of an old student club with more  

than 1000 members.The name of the building we came together was called Mutua Fides. Mutua Fides is Latin for Mutual Trust. The friendship among the founders, their  loyalty to their personnel, their pride their ability to share, have grown our confidence trust in you., as always, this trust has formed the solid basis for our decision to invest in Wellhope. Thank you very much for the trust that you have placed in us. I would like to bring out a toast with the words: "Mutua Fides". 




你们决定同优 秀管理者分享股权,证明了禾丰创业者充分理解员工,充分尊重他们为公司所做出的贡献。我坚信这些新股东将以加倍的忠诚来回报你们对他们的慷慨,因为公司已经成为了他们自己的公司。你们给优 秀的管理人员成为公司拥有者的机会,也证明了你们拥有伟大而宽广的胸怀。你们深知与同伴分享财富,将会得到比使用财富更大的幸福。因此我得出结论,共襄盛举是引领你们事业的价值观而绝非贪婪独有。 



我在读大学的时候,是一个由1000多人组成的老学生俱乐部的成员,优发国际经常聚会的那个地方名字叫做“Mutua Fides”,是拉丁文“相互信任”的意思。 


非常感谢你们给予优发国际的信任。最后,请允许我用“Mutua Fides”向大家祝酒,让优发国际为彼此间的“相互信任”,干杯!













