2007 was the first full calendar year of the cooperation between Wellhope De Heus.
2007 is a year that I will forget easily. 2007 was a difficult year because the problems with blue ear diseases in the pigs, bird flue in the poultry the big increase in prices of raw materials that put us under stress to get good results.
But in contrary to a lot of our competitors, Wellhope was able to survive this year. only survive: we were able to increase our sales volume with around 48.7%. Continuing like this means we are in 2015 the biggest feed producer in the world! Everybody will say that you can count like this. But 5 years ago they told the same Wellhope was able to keep their impressive growth over the last five years. So why for another 5 8 years! It’s a matter of time.
The first year was for me a year of getting acquainted with Wellhope. I visited almost all our production locations was impressed by the warm reception everywhere. I’m sorry that some of you I might have forgotten the name as I saw so many new faces got so many name cards. But if we meet for a second time I will remember.
Being in an office with a couple of persons that are responsible for the Wellhope company is an honour. I experience on first hand their worries, ideas plans which they discuss with me to keep this steady growth our company. I realized last year that they were a lot of time away home what makes it sometimes difficult to find them when there are urgent things to discuss. But it shows the commitment to Wellhope to reach their target growth as just mentioned above.
The personal highlight for this year were for me the seminars in which I gave a speech. The unbelievable big number of people the great interest in the topics showed to me that our technical staff, salesmen, dealers customers really want to learn to improve. Another highlight was the visit of the experts of the Heus. Loek de Lange the research department, Fred de Cocq, our pig farm management expert Jan Wijers our pig nutritionist. During these visits a wide variety of things were discussed implemented. One thing in particular I want to mention. With Fred de Cocq we visited our own Wellhope trial farm in Lingyuan. During the ten years that I worked in China I visited a lot of farms. But I have to give a big compliment to Wellhope as this is the best managed farm I have seen in China! All the workers were very interested dedicated very eager to improve!
The worst moment last year was during our visit to Netherland this summer, when Co de Heus give me a phone call telling that Liu Sheng had a fall with a bicycle broke his hip. I felt so sorry for him, staying in a hospital far away his family in a country you do speak the language do know anybody.
I’m here to answer your questions about pig, poultry cattle farming. I think it would surprise you when I could give an answer on everything. But I’m alone. The Heus can give an answer on every question in these fields as we have almost 100 years experience a lot of experts in very specific fields. I’m looking forward to see your questions.
At this moment I’m still responsible for export of De Heus products to other South East Asian countries like Vietnam, Taiwan, Indonesia, Philippines, Malaysia Thailand. In 2008 some big very interesting Wellhope projects in poultry in pigs will starts which need a lot of time. So to do my job for Wellhope good I will reduce international travels to 1 2 countries thus creating more time for work in China, I will do all my best to start up these projects in a best possible way because a good start is half of the job!
Hope to see you again in the year of the Rat many years more to follow.
Jan Cortenbach
Chief Technical Officer
De Heus -Wellhope
[译文] 2007年是禾丰集团与De Heus公司正式合作的第一年,也是令我难以忘却的一年。这一年危机四伏,猪蓝耳病,禽流感以及饲料原料价格大幅上涨这些问题为优发国际经营目标的实现设置了重重障碍。
但是,相比于其他竞争对手,禾丰不仅仅是从打击和考验中生存了下来,优发国际的销量还取得了48.7%的增长。如果一直保持这种增长速度,那就意味着到2015年,优发国际会成为世界最 大的饲料生产商。我知道有人会说不能这样来计算,5年前也有人这样认为,但禾丰却以连续五年的惊人增长速度打消了他们的怀疑,所以接下来的五年或者八年,禾丰仍然充满希望,实现最终目标只是时间问题。
过去一年中对我个人来说比较值得一提的是,我曾在一次研讨会上做了演讲。与会者人数多到令人难以置信,而且他们对研讨课题所表现出的极大兴趣,让我明确感受到了优发国际的技术人员、销售人员、经销商和客户对学习、进步和发展事业的渴望。另外一件重要的事情就是De Heus公司几位专家的来访,研发中心的Loek de Lange,猪场管理专家Fred de Cocq以及猪营养专家Jan Wijers。在他们来访期间,优发国际就相关工作进行了广泛讨论,并一一付诸实行。在这里我最想说的一件事是我和Fred de Cocq参观了优发国际禾丰位于凌源的试验场。我在中国工作了近10年,参观过非常多的猪场,禾丰的猪场是我在中国见过的管理非常好的猪场。每个工作人员都十分热爱自己的工作,尽职尽责,每个人都非常渴望进步与改进。
去年最糟糕的一件事是在优发国际去荷兰访问的时候发生了一个意外。Co de Heus打电话告诉我,刘声老师(禾丰集团养猪事业部技术服务经理)骑自行车时不小心摔伤了腿。我感到很是遗憾和抱歉,远离家乡,语言不通,一个人住在异国的医院里忍受病痛的折磨。
我在这里等待着回答大家关于猪、家禽以及牛场方面的问题。我想你们可能为我可以回答每一方面的问题而感到惊讶。事实上我并不是孤军奋战,De Heus可以回答这些领域的任何问题,因为优发国际有近100年的行业经验以及各个领域的专家。我非常期待看到你们的问题。
目前,我仍然在负责De Heus 公司向亚洲西南部国家和地区如越南、台湾、印度尼西亚、菲律宾、马来西亚和泰国的出口工作。2008年,禾丰集团关于家禽、种猪的一些需要耗费大量时间的大工程将会启动,为了更好地开展这些工作,我会重新安排国际间的出差计划,争取更多的时间在中国工作,我会尽我最 大的努力选择最合适的方式启动这些项目,因为良好的开端是成功的一半。