When I first was approached by De Heus to represent them in China by a company called Wellhope, I straight away start searching on internet for more information. I just knew that they were in Shenyang one of the bigger ones in North East China.
They had an own website! That was good. They had even an English website. That was even better! I read a lot of positive things: “young people”, “fastest growing”, “most famous brand in China”, “goal to become top feed supplier in the world” etc. Impressive, but everybody can write this. I was still a bit sceptical after 8 years in China. So I asked my friends in the business, without a single exception they confirmed what was on the Wellhope website. Their reactions varied “excellent company”, “they have got vision”, I believe in them”, to “dangerous for CP”. Whow, that is promising, I’m going to be part of it. I got exited, but had to wait until the official signing at 20 October last year. Just before that day I met the first time with Wellhope. During VIV in Beijing I met Dr. Shao Chairman Jin. In the short time I spoke to them they deeply impressed me confirmed all information I had collected before.
My first trip to Shenyang was during the signing ceremony at 20 October. A lot of new faces, a lot of good experiences. A beautiful new office, brand new feed mills, last but least the overwhelming party. This would be absolutely unthinkable in Holland.
After that I went in November 3 weeks with a few persons of Wellhope to The Netherlands learned to know them in person. I started to feel at home with Wellhope.
Finally in December we moved to Beijing I got a desk in the office there. that moment I felt like a real member of the Wellhope family, talking together, eating together of course working together.
Although last year it was easy in the feed industry in China, Wellhope was still able to grow, as most of our competitors had lots of difficulties to maintain their positive numbers secure their market shares. This says something about the attitude of Wellhope, market strategies quality of the feed.
China is in a stage of development of animal husbandry feed industry similar as that what took place some 10-20 years ago in The Netherlands. Therefore it is a very wise decision to share the knowledge of how we experienced this change to take advantage to be one step ahead of our friends in the same business. I’m sure we can together handle this change much easier give our customers only good feed but also good service advice about more than only feed.
According “Feed International” the combination Wellhope-De Heus is already in the top 15 of biggest feed producers in the world. when we can reach the targets for this year we will pass to the top 10 of ’s world biggest feed companies. I’m very proud to be one of the persons to strive for this goal.
Together with the Wellhope De Heus family up to top 10 in the world!
[译文]禾丰是De Heus公司在中国的合作伙伴,我仅仅知道它创立于沈阳,是中国东北大型饲料企业集团之一,因此在当刚刚得知将受De Heus公司委派,担任其驻禾丰的代表时,我上网查找了禾丰公司的详细资料。
他们有自己的网站,太棒了!更令人兴奋的是他们还有自己的英文网站。我从中了解了很多禾丰的优势,“有年轻而充满活力的员工”、“企业高速发展”、“ ”、“要成为世界顶 级饲料供应商”等等,这些都令我印象深刻,但是冠冕堂皇的话人人都会说,有八年在中国工作和生活经验的我仍然对禾丰心存疑问。于是我向一些业界朋友询问禾丰的情况,他们无一例外地对其表示了充分肯定。在他们心目中“这是一家优秀企业”,“禾丰已经取得了令人瞩目的成绩”,“我信任他们”,“禾丰已成为外资企业强有力的竞争对手”等等。哇,这真是一个极具潜力的企业,我为即将成为它的一份子而无比兴奋,于是满怀期待地盼望2006年10月20日的合资签约仪式尽早到来。而就在签约仪式前夕,在北京举行的VIV会议上,我终于有幸结识了金卫东董事长和邵彩梅博士,虽然只是短暂的交流,我却深深地为他们所折服,更加证实了禾丰网站和业界朋友对禾丰评价的真实性。
中国的畜牧饲料业正处于快速发展时期,这与10年、20年前的荷兰畜牧业情况比较相似。因此禾丰集团决定与De Heus公司合资是非常英明的决策,它能为禾丰带来De Heus公司的技术和经验,并将其转化成优势进而超越竞争对手。我很肯定,通过共同努力,优发国际一定会顺利适应合资所带来的变化,不仅为客户提供优质的产品,更为他们带来全面的技术服务和解决问题的方案。
根据《国际饲料》所载的行业信息,优发国际可以得出结论,禾丰与De Heus公司联合而成的合资企业已名列世界15大饲料供应商之一,如果今年优发国际能达成既定目标,优发国际将成为世界前10名的饲料供应商。我非常骄傲能成为这一目标的奋斗者之一。