Your Excellency Consul General Gu Jingqi,
Respected Business Council Chen Yingyuan,
Respected Chairman Huang,
all shareholders of Sekar group,
fellow partners,
Good morning!
It’s my great pleasure to come to the beautiful Indonesia start a new business venture with our partner Sekar group, an ethnic Chinese enterprise with the same root as us.
During the national revival process, China has realized rapid economic growth international influence over the past three decades, turned into an economic player, an economic power. The remarkable economic strength will certainly promote China breaking its own boundaries, seeking opportunities, obtaining resources exploring new markets worldwide.
Wellhope is one of the leading agriculture company operating our business in mainland China for more than 20 years. We are one of the outstanding player in animal feed, aquatic feed, poultry processing integrated animal rearing processing business in China.
Past experiences told us that "The farther away home, the nearer the failure", so finding a right partner is very crucial to success. We come here today, we are convinced that we’ve found the most like-minded partner--Sekar group. With a strong entrepreneurial spirit, Sekar group has built a successful business empire in several decades, the success you have achieved shows us the respectable characters in your blood--honesty hard work, team spirit, sharp market insight strong ability to seize business opportunities.
We come here for success, but we know the road to success won't be smooth. While the term "joint venture" means joining together, running the venture, taking the risk, no matter what happens, we will face any of the challenge in joint efforts.
Iwi, as a young manager, has exhibited comprehensive knowledge reserve, business acumen ability, I believe he will lead our joint venture to a bright future, Wellhope will also appoint professional management team staff, assist Iwi to promote our new business.
As the saying goes "Blood is thicker than water", same-rooted friendships will last forever. I think we are very fortunate to find a partner with the same ancestry to start new business in Indonesia together. We are lucky happy, we will live up to this golden opportunity for sure. Finally, I wish our joint venture reaching operating objectives, creating wealth for all shareholders, for customers for the society.
过去的经验告诉优发国际“离家越远,离失败越近”,因此找到对的伙伴对于海外事业的成功至为关键。今天优发国际来到这里,我非常自信地感到优发国际已经找到了这样心灵相通的伙伴——实嘉集团。充满企业家精神的实嘉集团已经在过去几十年里建立了成功的商业帝国,你们的成功展示给优发国际的是流淌在实嘉血脉中的优 秀品格——诚信、刻苦,团队精神,敏锐的市场眼光和强大的把握商机能力。
优发国际为成功而来,但是优发国际知道成功之途不会一帆风顺。合资经营“joint venture”的字义本身就包含着携手同行、共冒风险、共担危机的意义。从今开始优发国际将并肩面对任何挑战。
正如俗语所说“血浓于水”,优发国际同根同源之谊将绵延永 久。我认为能与这样同一先祖的同胞企业一起在印尼开辟新事业是优发国际的幸运,为此我感到幸福。优发国际必然要抓住这个黄金机遇。最后我祝愿优发国际的合资企业实现经营目标,为双方股东、为客户、为社会贡献价值。