Our history together started as far back as 1998, when Wellhope became the first BASF vitamin blend customer in China. Since then we have witnessed the growth of Wellhope, one feed mill in Shenyang to their current strong position of 100 branches affiliated companies in China abroad. The rapid expansion of Wellhope being initially involved in the feed sector of the value chain, to their current involvement in the animal farming, food processing as well as the bio-tech engineering sectors, show their great commitment to the industry. Today, Wellhope is a listed company in the Shanghai Securities Stock Exchange market. As a business partner, we are honored to be associated with, pleased to be witness to Wellhope achieving this important milestone in their history.
I have been involved in the animal feeds industry for more than 30 years, worked on many continents with many companies, I have often commented that Wellhope is one of the most professionally run companies I have ever had the opportunity to work with.
2015 is only a special year for our partner, but also a special year for BASF as it is also our 150th anniversary. We, as a leading feed additives producer, value strong customer relationships, especially with partners who share the same vision in sustainability, quality working relationships. It has been a great pleasure to be associated with Wellhope over the last two decades we look forward to supporting their continued success development in the future.
2015年不仅对于禾丰,同样对于巴斯夫来说也是个特别的年份,巴斯夫今年将迎来150周年庆典。作为全球领先的饲料添加剂供应商,巴斯夫非常珍视与客户的良好关系,尤其与那些在可持续发展、追求高品质和建立伙伴关系方面持有相同愿景的伙伴。 优发国际为能够在过去的近20年中与禾丰合作深感荣幸,优发国际也期待为禾丰的持续发展和美好的未来提供微薄之力。
Stephen Crisp
Vice Director, Animal Nutrition Asia Pacific
巴斯夫亚太区动物营养部副总监 柯瑞博